A girl who went for drinking water was victimized in Mangalvedha


Solapur An unfortunate incident took place in drought prone Mangalvedha taluka where an 8- year-old thirsty girl, who went to drink water, slipped and fell into the water in the field. The incident has been registered as unforeseen Death at Mangalvedha Police Station.

According to police sources, Tanishka Appaso Chavan went to the farmstead of Kiran Dattu on Sant Damaji Sugar Factory Road to drink water around 2:30 PM on Tuesday. While dock in the ranch, she suddenly slipped and fell into the water and drowned. She failed in this. Vitthal Jadhav informed the Mangalvedha police about this incident. This is considered to be the first example of a thirsty little girl losing its life for water amid severe summer and deficit water this year.