Air India Express service not back to normal despite call off of strike; 22 services cancelled in Kerala.


In New Delhi, the strike by cabin crew has been called off; however, Air India Express flights from various airports including Kerala, are still not operating normally. Some services were cancelled yesterday, and officials stated that services will resume once the striking employees return. It may take up to two days for operations to fully resume as the striking employees are gradually returning to work.

Cabin crew members are required to obtain a fitness certificate before resuming their duties, and officials have assured that the process will be expedited. Most international services disrupted by the strike have resumed, including the Muscat service from Thiruvananthapuram and the Sharjah service. However, services to Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Dammam, Muscat, Bengaluru, and Kolkata were cancelled.

Passengers expressed dissatisfaction over the lack of advance notice regarding service cancellations. Additionally, several services from Kannur to various destinations were disrupted. A special service to Dubai will be available for passengers with urgent travel needs who were affected by the canceled flights from Thiruvananthapuram. Air India Express passengers are currently seeking refunds or alternative travel arrangements at crowded airline offices.