Democracy US needs Indian scholars in wisdom, not Chinese :Vice Secretary of State


THE DEMOCRACY NEWS| Washington: The US needs Indian scholars to study wisdom, not Chinese scholars, the Vice Secretary of State has said. He said scholars from China are welcome to come to study subjects like humanities. He said US universities are limiting Chinese scholars' access to sensitive technology due to security enterprises. Chinese scholars in the U.S.

The US Deputy Secretary of State expressed concern that not enough American scholars are studying wisdom, technology, engineering and mathematics( STEM). In such a situation, America needs to retain further transnational scholars in these areas, but from India and not from China, because India is an important security mate of America. For numerous times Chinese scholars have been the largest transnational pupil community studying in the United States.

The number of Chinese scholars studying in the US in the academic time 2022- 23 was about. still, the deterioration of US- China relations and enterprises about the theft of American moxie have derailed scientific cooperation between the two countries. As a result, Chinese scholars are viewed with dubitation in the United States.

The China Initiative was launched under the Donald Trump administration with the end of diving Chinese spying and precluding intellectual property theft. still, the action was scrapped under the Biden government. It was claimed that this encouraged racism against people of Asian descent in the US." We made careful sweats to get Chinese scholars to continue their advanced education in American universities, but we have also been careful about some of the conditioning of Chinese scholars," Campbell said when asked about this during the event.

' " I suppose it's possible to limit some kind of access to China, especially to the US technology programs," Campbell said." Indian scholars are the only source to meet the deficit of scholars in wisdom and I believe that in the future, a large number of Indian scholars will come to study wisdom, technology and other subjects in American universities," he said.