Deoband : Ban on entry of women in Darul Uloom, Mohtamim said - Women used to come to the campus and make reels.


The entry of women into Darul Uloom is fully banned. Everyone is surprised by this decision of the association, but the operation says that women and girls used to come then and make rolls, due to which the studies of the scholars were getting affected. After watching the videotape on social media, complaints were coming from each over the country. also this decision was taken. Mohtamim Maulana Mufti Abul Qasim Nomani said that there's a ban on the entry of women(women) in Darul Uloom.

A large number of women were coming then, making vids and making them viral on social media. Due to which the image of the entire country was getting spoiled. Darul Uloom is a school and similar acts aren't respectable in any school. Not only this, a new session of education has started in Darul Uloom. Due to over crowding, students' studies were also getting affected. This has also been complained about numerous times by the students.

Some women protested Mohtamim said that some women also protested against the ban on the lot, but after explaining, they agreed. Keeping all the effects in mind, the decision to put restrictions has been taken. Under this, women won't be suitable to go to the library under construction inside the institution and also to Asia's fameous synagogue Rashidiya.

Women frequently went there to see the beauty of Darul Uloom's library and other structures. piecemeal from this, indeed if someone's family member is taking training there, women used to go there. Now everyone has been banned. After this ban, no women will be suitable to come to the lot.