Driving test rules revised amidst protests, extension granted for fulfilling vehicle requirements.


Thiruvananthapuram : The Transport Department on Saturday revised the indirect issued in February by the Transport Commissioner enlisting new rules for driving test. The driving school owners have boycotted driving tests in protest against the new rules following a common meeting by multiple associations, including CITU, INTUC, and the All Kerala Driving School Owners Association.

The number of applicants bearing the test at a center has been increased from 30 to 40, as per the order issued by the Transport Department on Saturday. Out of these, 25 are new applicants, 10 are re-test candidates, and 5 are applicants seeking critical approval for overseas travel or advanced studies. The applications will be reviewed by the separate office head before 11 am every day. Following the scrutiny of applications, the Motor Vehicle inspector(MVI) will conduct the road test.

Successful candidates will also suffer a ground test which will be evaluated by the Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspectors(AMVI). Upon successful completion of both tests, they will be eligible for licence Vehicles equipped with binary clutch and brake(Dual Control System) won't be permitted for tests. The requirements commanded in the indirect regarding dashboard cameras and VLDCs must be fulfilled within the coming 3 months, the rearmost order said.

An extension of 6 months has also been granted to the condition that vehicles aged than 15 years shouldn't be used for tests. The driving test officials mustn't conduct the vehicle fitness test on the same day as the driving test. Part 1 of the driving test must be conducted in the former manner(H test) until the track for conducting the new test is prepared. Efforts must be made to establish test centres in locations under government control, the indirect said. The revised norms aimed at enhancing the evaluation of candidates driving abilities across different road conditions.