Dubai Duty Free draw Two Indian groups win Rs 8 crore each


Two groups of Indian deportees from Kerala in the United Arab Emirates( UAE) won an astounding one million bones ( Rs) each on Wednesday, September 11, in the Dubai Duty Free( DDF) Renaissance Millionaire draw.

A 38- time-old Abdul Azeez, an Indian public grounded in Dubai, came a winner in Millennium Millionaire Series 472 with ticket number 3361, which he bought on August 31.

Abdul Azeez, who works as a motorist/ runner for a company, has been living in Dubai for 12 times now. He has bought the ticket along with his family and two musketeers.

“ I was super happy when I heard my name blazoned on the live draw on your Facebook runner. Thank you Dubai Duty Free for this life- changing occasion, ” Abdul Azeez said.

Alternate group In the alternate group, Naseer Arikkoth, a 48- time-old Indian public grounded in Sharjah, came a millionaire with his winning ticket that he bought with nine other musketeers and family members.

He came a winner in Millennium Millionaire Series 473 with ticket number 1617, which he bought online on August 4. Arikkoth, who works as a administrator for a supermarket, has been living in Sharjah from the last 13 times.

“ Thank you so much Dubai Duty Free! This is similar a awful blessing for all of us, ” he said. Azeez and Arikkoth are the 235th and 236th Indian citizens, to win one million bones since the launch of the Renaissance Millionaire Show in 1999. Indian citizens make up the loftiest number of buyers of Millennium Millionaire Dubai Duty Free tickets.

Other winner Mohammed Najmul Hasan, an Indian public from the UAE, won a luxury motorbike in the Finest Surprise Series 595, which he bought online on September 4.