133rd Birth Anniversary of Babasaheb at kothrud's Ambedkarite Community


On the 133rd Birth Anniversary of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar the Ambedkarite community and humanitarian activities inspired by Babasaheb's thoughts come together to pay Special Honour to Dr. Ambedkar by paying tributes with the flowers at Shivaji Maharaj Statue Memorial Square Kothrud.
The President of Kothrud Vijay Bapu Dakale, of Bhim mahaotsav committee said that the office bearers of different parties, To work together for the benefits of the committee and society organizations and institutions of Kothrud constituency has decided.

There is a greater need to work according to Babasaheb Ambedkar's idea of learn, unite, struggle and all have come together to protect the interests of the Dalit working community.
For Progress we need to work together rather than waiting for someone to do something for us. The modernization and rejuvenation of 28 Buddha Viharas in Kothrud constituency will be implemented through this committee. This campaign was launched in the presence of the dignitaries present today and all the community members.