AIIMS study Yoga improves sperm health, reduces heritable diseases in children.


The Democracy News : Yoga can bring good news in the life of a wedded couple. Couples who don't have children due to adding age, changing life, stress and other diseases, with the help of yoga, their homes are buzzing. At the same time, inheritable diseases in children have also dropped. This was revealed in a study conducted by AIIMS.

In fact, 239 women in the department of gynecology and obstetrics of AIIMS came to get treatment for not being suitable to come a mama or having frequent deliveries. The department delved them, but no concrete cause of the diseases could be set up. The women were healthy on every parameter. After this, all the women were transferred to the deconstruction department of AIIMS for farther examination.

This department examined the women a new. Along with this, the hubby's sperm genomic integrity, the quality of sperm DNA, gene expression, telomere length, sperm count, stress and numerous other tests were also done. Professor Dr. Reema Dada said that on the base of the results of the disquisition, 60 couples were included in the study of yoga.

The misters were given two hours of yoga every day for six weeks under the supervision of croakers. The men were re-examined after the session was over. The results were veritably positive. The quality of the DNA of the sperm of all the misters bettered. At the same time, their RNA expression position also came normal. It also reduced the rate of DNA damage and bettered expression and telomere length.

After this, the women of these men could fluently get pregnant. The decision was taken after an inquiry. According to croakers, in this study, women were examined in case of failure to conceive, confinement, foetal damage, among others. The women were set up to be healthy. The men were also tested. After some exploration, they decided to do yoga. The results were more after the treatment.

It included yogasana, pranayama and other easy to do conditioning including contemplation, surya namaskar. They not only reduced stress situations but also bettered the quality of DNA. A father may not be suitable to have a child Experts say that not only women, but men can also be the reason behind not being suitable to come a father.

However, the couple should suffer a through examination, If for some reason there are no children. After the examination, the couple can fluently have children on the advice of croakers. Yoga in the futurity Pranayama, Surya Namaskar, Chakrasana, Setu Bandhasana, Halasana, Dhanurasana, Vajrasana, Padahastasana, voyaging.