Emphasis on exploration- acquainted education PM inaugurates new lot of Nalanda University


The Democracy News :- Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said the government is working towards making the advanced education system in the country more advanced and exploration- acquainted. He was speaking after inaugurating the new lot of the major Nalanda University. The Prime Minister also prompted the scholars to always be curious and intrepid. We want India to come a global mecca of knowledge and literacy.

In the last 10 times, on an average, one university has been erected in the country every week. Developed countries have had a history of profitable and artistic smash only after strong progress in education. pertaining to the International Day of Yoga on 21st June, the Prime Minister said that India is swapping culture at the global position.

Ten times ago, there were only 100 entrepreneurs in the country. moment, that number is about 30,000. The Prime Minister noted that a record number of youth are coming forward for exploration, and the government has allocated one lakh crore rupees for this. He said that our thing is to produce a system of professed and state- of- the- art advanced education.

There are 23 IITs and 21 IIMs in the country. Ten times ago, that number was 13. The Prime Minister also stressed that there are 22 AIIMS and the number of medical sodalities has doubled in 10 times. The Prime Minister said that there will be major reforms in the education sector. The new education policy will fulfill the bournes of the youth.

Our universities will cooperate with foreign universities. The Prime Minister said that institutions of transnational character are setting up their centres in India. He expressed confidence that India will come a mecca of knowledge and literacy. Visit to Nalanda Mahavihara Prior to the event, the Prime Minister visited the Nalanda Mahavihara. The Prime Minister expressed happiness that he got the occasion to visit the Centre within 10 days of assuming office for the third successive term.

The ancient Nalanda University has been in actuality since the fifth century and scholars from each over the world used to study then. Experts say it was destroyed by raiders in the 12th century after flourishing for 800 times. Nalanda is a symbol of India's educational heritage and artistic exchange. It isn't only the belle epoque of India's history, but the heritage of numerous countries has been linked to Nalanda. - Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India.