India abstains on UN resolution on Ukraine


United Nations India has abstained in the UN General Assembly on a resolution that demanded that Russia incontinently cease its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its service and other unauthorised labor force from the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power factory.

The 193- member UN General Assembly espoused the resolution on Thursday with 99 votes in favour, nine against and 60 abstentions, including India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Egypt, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Sri Lanka.

The resolution named ‘ Safety and security of nuclear installations of Ukraine, including the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power factory ’ demanded that Russia “ incontinently cease its aggression against Ukraine and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the home of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders.

” It also demanded that Russia urgently withdraw its service and other unauthorised labor force from the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power factory and incontinently return the factory to the full control of the autonomous and competent authorities of Ukraine to insure its safety and security.

It called for the “ immediate conclusion of the attacks ” by Russia against the critical energy structure of Ukraine, which increases the threat of a nuclear accident or incident at all nuclear installations of Ukraine.

The draft resolution was introduced by Ukraine and was patronized by over 50 member countries, including France, Germany and the United States. It called upon Moscow, until it returns the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power factory of Ukraine to the full control of the autonomous and competent authorities of Ukraine, to give the International Atomic Energy Agency Support and Assistance Mission to Zaporizhzhia with timely and full access to all areas at the factory that are important for nuclear safety and security to allow the Agency to report completely on the nuclear safety and security situation at the point.

In the explanation of the vote before the vote on the resolution, Russia’s First Deputy Permanent Representative Dmitry Polyanskiy said the General Assembly has “ unfortunately ” espoused numerous documents that are non-consensual, politicised and don't reflect reality.

The Ukrainian conflict to the detriment of way taken by a sensible part of the transnational community to find a peaceful, sustainable and long- term result to the conflict.