Mental harassment of women employees in PM Electric Private Limited Company in Pune

Datta traya

Pune: Women employees working in PM Electric Pvt Ltd, a super distributor of Oppo, are being harassed and the finance manager of this company has reached the height of perversity. A statement of complaint has been given to the Maharashtra State Commission for Women that action should be taken against the manager of this perverse mentality. The Women's Commission has also taken immediate notice of these complaints and has ordered to investigate the concerned company and the finance manager who harassed the women employees, suspend him and take legal action against him. The information in this regard is that Omesh Ludhani, who is working as a finance manager, is harassing women working in PM Electric Private Limited, a super distributor of Oppo. Running over the staff, shouting loudly, throwing things at the staff frequently. Looking at women in a distorted way. Many such complaints have been made by women employees about Ludhani. Due to need of job, fear of defamation, no woman complained about this. But the women who complained about Ludhani have been fired by the company. Therefore, so that other women do not face this kind of time, the Women's Commission has ordered the administration to suspend the guilty finance manager and take legal action against him