Pankaja Munde cried hardly, addressing the workers".


Pankaja Munde's supporter Ganesh Bade committed self-murder by hanging himself. After Pankaja Munde's defeat in the Lok Sabha choices, her supporter Ganesh Bade committed self-murder in Beed. Pankaja Munde had gone to the house of a big family in Beed for the burial. At the same time, the family was crying. Pankaja Munde said that the responsibility of both the daughters of Ganesh Bade is now mine. He also exfoliate gashes while comforting the family.

Ganesh Bade and Popatrao Vaibhase commit self-murder Popatrao Vaibhase, a youthful man from Chinchewadi, also committed self-murder after the defeat of Pankaja Munde. Popatrao Vaibhase also couldn't bear the defeat of Pankaja Munde. Like Ganesh Bade, he also ended his life. Pankaja Munde also met the family and assured them. At this point they were crying. BJP leader Pankaja Munde lost from Beed Lok Sabha constituency.

latterly, Ganesh Bade, a occupant of Warani vill in Shirur taluka, committed self-murder by hanging himself. Pankaja Munde was also present at the burial. He also cried while comforting the family. Bajrang Sonawane wins against Pankaja Munde In Beed, there was a tough fight between Pankaja Munde and Bajrang Sonawane till the last round. The match ended in a draw in the state.

In this, Pankaja Munde was defeated by a periphery of six thousand votes. This infuriated Pankaja Munde's sympathizers. After the defeat of their leader Pankaja, numerous choosers exfoliate gashes at the counting center. The impact of this defeat was also seen in Beed quarter. In some cases, there have been self-murders.

A youthful man from Ashti taluka ended his life as he couldn't bear the defeat. Pankaja Munde met the families of the victims in Ashti taluka and wiped her gashes. Meanwhile, Beed Guardian Minister Dhananjay Munde also visited the boy's house and assured the family. He has also taken up the responsibility of educating the children of the affected families.

Pankaja Munde gets emotional " All those who committed self-murder were youthful men. They've youthful children. I do not want anyone to die. However, I also want a worker who fights with courage, If you want a leader who fights with courage. However, I'll quit politics, If anyone commits self-murder. This is how Ganesh did it. I do not know what to say then moment. In politics, you have to go to numerous places.

The time that has come for me moment has not come for any leader. Four people have failed. He failed unfit to bear the loss. This is accessible to me. I run to meet the workers. When Gopinath Munde had gone, he'd taken an pledge that he'd fight but not cry. But moment, I was in gashes." Pankaja Munde said.