PM Modi condemns those who imposed exigency, questions their commitment to the Constitution


" The mindset that led to the duty of exigency is veritably important alive in the party that assessed it." They hide their disdain for the Constitution by their appearances, but the people of India have seen through their capers. That is why he has constantly denied it.' 25th June has been a corner day in the history of India. exigency was assessed in the country for a period of 21 months from 25 June 1975 to 21 March 1977.

The also President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed had declared a state of exigency in the country under Composition 352 of the Indian Constitution on the recommendation of the also Prime Minister Indira Gandhi- led government.

Moment marks 49 times. Prime Minister Narendra Modi explosively condemned the attack." Those who assessed exigency have no right to show love for the Constitution. " moment is the day to pay homage to all those great men and women who defied the exigency," PM Modi wrote on the social networking point' X'.

moment's day reminds us how the Congress party eroded the abecedarian freedoms and tromped upon the Constitution of India, which every Indian felicitations a lot. " Just to remain in power, the also Congress government set away every popular principle. The whole country was turned into a captivity. Everyone who dissented with the Congress was tortured and wearied. The most vulnerable groups were targeted.

For this,anti-social programs were enforced.' " Those who assessed exigency have no right to claim their love for our Constitution. These are the same people who assessed Composition 356 on numerous occasions without knowing it. A bill was passed to end freedom of the press. No gravestone was left unturned to destroy federalism.

It violates every aspect of the Constitution.' " The mindset that led to the duty of exigency is veritably important alive in the party that assessed it. They hide their disdain for the Constitution by their appearances, but the people of India have seen through their capers.