Vice President urges banned group HNLC to engage in peace talks


Vice president Pastor accountable for Home Prestone Tynsong has declared that the entryway is as yet open for prohibited aggressor association Hynniewtrep Public Freedom Committee (HNLC) to come to the State Government for harmony talks. Requesting that the HNLC even reexamine and review their choice, Tynsong said plainly on the off chance that the HNLC isn't keen on talks, then, at that point, the tradition that must be adhered to should win. At the point when gotten some information about the examination concerning the new IED impact, he said that examination is on to see whether more individuals are associated with the IED impact and police are taking care of everything. In the midst of the stewing pressure preparing following the new brutality at Ichamati, Vice president Priest, Prestone Tynsong has cautioned NGOs not to stoke the fire with their assertions and declarations in the media. Affirming that two individuals have been gotten following the new killing of two individuals in Ichamati, Tynsong cautioned the NGOs be it nearby NGOs or even non ancestral NGOs from stoking the fire. Requesting that the NGOs abstain, he said that regulation is above everybody and the Public authority will ensure that regulation takes its own course.