Industrial development needs to be boosted! Progress in terms of health, education; Improvement in quality of life as well.


Akola : Akola district has surfaced as advanced in terms of health and education in the last many years. The standard of living of the citizens of the city also increased. Still, the anticipated artificial development has not taken place in the district due to the airport issue stalled due to runway expansion and lack of introductory facilities. largely educated youth resettle for employment.

There's a need to promote artificial development in the district. Akola, known as the 'Cotton City', is now getting a city of private hospitals and teaching classes. There are 1,670 large, medium, small and micro industries in the district. In five years there was growth in industries. Some industries also closed down.

Dal and oil are supplied across the country from oil, dal mills in artificial estates. There are pharmaceutical, agrarian industry, pesticides, soap, food, furniture etc., industries. Minor employment opportunities are available in the district. Still, highly educated youth have to resettle to cities like Mumbai, Pune for better jobs. There's a need to produce employment in the district in a comprehensive manner.

Akola Junction railway station on central and south-central railways, public highways to the district etc., are conducive for artificial growth. Still, lack of air service is fatal to artificial development. The issue of runway extension of the British- era Shivni airport has been stalled for the last one and a half decades. The' take-off' of the artificial development of the district awaits the airline service.

There has been an increase in health facilities and an ferocious care hospital has been set up in the city along with general hospital, district women's hospital. In the private medical sector, there's a network of' multispeciality hospitals and the costs are high. Scope of agro processing industry. As Akola district doesn't have a large cotton- to- textile industry, cotton is exported.

Lack of processing industry, pink boll worm and rising cost of production caused half of the farmers to switch to soybeans. colorful agrarian products are grown in large scale in the district. As there's no industry to reuse it, the farmers aren't getting the anticipated price. thus, there's scope for agro processing industry in the district.