Threats to three including Nupur Sharma, plan to kill Sanatan Sangathan president; Muslim cleric arrested from Surat.


A 27- year-old man was arrested in Surat on Friday for conniving to kill a leader of a right- wing organisation. Police also said that the indicted, linked as Maulvi Abubakar Timol, was part of a conspiracy to hang Sudarshan Television channel editor- in- chief Suresh Chavanke, BJP's Telangana MLA Raja Singh and former party spokesperson Nupur Sharma. A Muslim cleric had incubated a conspiracy to kill Sanatan Sangh National President Upadesh Rana.

He'd hovered Rana by calling her further than 15 times. Like Hindu Samaj Party president Kamlesh Tiwari was killed in Lucknow in 2019, Rana was also hovered. The police also said that his handlers in Nepal and Pakistan had given him betel nut worth Rs 1 crore. Chat records show that Timol wanted to kill Rana soon to disrupt collaborative harmony during the current general elections. Officials said the Surat police are seeking help from other agencies to find out if they've any further targets.

Sudarshan channel principal editor Suresh Chavanke, former BJP public spokes person Nupur Sharma and BJP Telangana MLA Raja Singh have also been transferred threats by the indicted. The indicted hails from Maharashtra. The cleric, who hails from Nandurbar in Maharashtra, was arrested on Friday from Bharimata Road near Phulwadi Creek in Surat.

Surat Police Commissioner Anupam Singh Gehlaut told reporters on Saturday, “The indicted works in a private factory and used to conduct religious education to children in Kathor. He also studied from Madrasah in Kathor. The indicted was using an transnational number on his mobile phone. He came in contact with Dogar(Pakistan) and his handler linked as Shahnaz from Nepal through social media.

Thinking of buying weapons by raising funds Gehlaut added, “ We'll probe him and hope to get further details from the police inquiry in the coming days. Timol was set up involved in hanging Rana in March this year. The indicted used a virtual number in Laos to make threats by adding numbers from Pakistan and Nepal to his group calls. Photos and other details set up on their phone numbers show that they(indicted and associates) were agitating threats targeting Sudarshan TV Editor- in- Chief Suresh Chavanke, political leader Nupur Sharma on a secure app.

They were planning to raise funds and buy weapons for this. "On checking his mobile phone, the police set up morphed images of Hindu gods and goddesses. He's charged with IPC Sections 153(a) (fostering enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, caste, place of birth, domicile, language etc., and doing acts prejudicial to maintaining goodwill), 461, 468, 471(using false document or as electronic record), 120(b).(Felonious Conspiracy) and arrested under Sections 66(d), 67, and 67(a) of Information Technology.