Water found on Mars: A new study has found a large amount of water on Mars


Water found on Mars: Space research organizations around the world are doing research at a rapid pace. A new study has been published about the planet Mars. Research has shown that there is water on Mars. According to this research, there may be a large reservoir of water deep below the surface of Mars. According to the researchers, based on data from NASA's InSight lander, there may be enough water in the rocks under the surface of Mars to fill an ocean.

The research was based on data from NASA's InSight lander. According to the research, there is a geological deposit of water 10 to 20 kilometers deep under the surface of Mars. The mission lasted from 2018 to 2022. The data it provided has helped scientists uncover this potential reservoir. This has been reported by Times of India.

Meanwhile, there is water located approximately 11 to 20 km below the surface of Mars. This water is trapped in igneous rocks. The temperature in this room is enough to maintain water. Scientists at the University of California have made some important points in this regard.

How did this research come about?
"The presence of water under the surface of present-day Mars has been determined by analyzing the speed of seismic waves," said Vashon Wright, a planetary scientist at the University of California. The speed of these waves varies depending on the structure of the rocks, the cracks and the things that fill them. If all the water is pumped out of the holes in these rocks, it can fill the global ocean 1-2 kilometers deep. "

Michael Manga, a planetary scientist at the University of California and co-author of the study, said that it also showed that water could flow to the surface, similar to the groundwater process on Earth. From this historical movement of water, it seems that Mars must have been filled with water from the beginning.

The discovery of water deposits in the Martian crust suggests that three billion years ago, Mars was a planet with rivers, lakes and possibly oceans. However, the water has since receded into the ground. Three billion years ago, liquid water was present on the surface of Mars. Much of this water is thought to have seeped into the Earth's crust, the study said.