Daily News

India releases first tranche of USD2.5 mn to UN agency for Palestinian deportees


Ramallah : The Indian government has released the first tranche of USD2.5 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Deportees in the Near East( UNRWA) as part of its periodic donation of USD 5 million for the time 2024- 25, the Representative Office of India then said on Monday.

The UNRWA, which has carried out direct relief and works programmes for listed Palestinian deportees since 1950, is making sweats to keep up its performing in the middle of the Israel- Hamas war in Gaza. Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Deportees in the Near East( UNRWA), as part of its periodic donation of USD 5 million for the time 2024- 25.

” Over the times, in its bid to support the Palestinian deportees and their weal, India has handed fiscal support to the tune of USD 35 million till 2023- 24 for the UN agency’s core programmes and services, including education, healthcare, relief and social services handed to Palestinian deportees.

During the recent UNRWA Pledging Conference held in New York, India blazoned that in addition to fiscal backing, it'll give drugs to UNRWA grounded on the agency’s specific request, and reiterated its call for a safe, timely and sustained force of philanthropic backing to the people of Palestine. The UNRWA is funded nearly entirely by voluntary benefactions from UN member countries.