Daily News

Negligence of power company snatches life from another poor


Maihar - Negligence of the electricity company took away the breath of another poor today. Leela Bai Kol of Kakra was not among us today, the current flowing on the open wire of electricity took her life, while the local authorities were informed by the villagers in time about the wire breaking, but even after hours, it was not connected and the supply of current from it was not stopped And as a result, another tragic event shocked everyone. This is the second incident within a week that the negligence of the power company has ended the life of Sharda Agarwal in Maihar town. When will people continue to be victims of such incidents and people will continue to sit hand-in-hand. Congress leaders Dharmesh Ghai and Prabhat Dwivedi, who reached the site of the incident in Kakra, met the affected families and extended their support to them and asked them to be patient in the hour of grief.After talking to the local people and taking stock of the whole incident, it clearly appears that this tragic incident is the result of the negligence of the company. The leader duo has targeted the responsible officials of the government and the power company Terming the incident as a result of the negligence of the company, he demanded compensation for the affected family as well as action against the officials and employees responsible for the incident.Congress district president Dharmesh Ghai said, "We are with you and the Congress will fight this battle strongly at every level.Block president Prabhat Dwivedi Dadda said that the company is engaged in a deep-rooted conspiracy of lifetime exploitation of electricity consumers by forcibly installing smart meters. On the occasion of World Tribal Day, the officials of this government have taken the life of a tribal woman, we are with the people and will answer brick by stone. Local Congress leaders and activists were present on the occasion.