Daily News

Pune city news : Flu in children! Pediatricians urged to take care


Pune city news.
The disease during the rainy season. Influenza has started in children. Children should take leave to school if they are sick. Because it can infect other children. Dr. Dilip Sarda.

He said that since the beginning of the rainy season, the spread of the disease has increased. Influenza is currently spreading among children. The fever, cough, breath and breathing difficulties. During the rainy season, children are more likely to catch the flu. At the same time, the risk of infection in children has also increased. If the child has fever, cough and difficulty in breathing, the parents should immediately consult a doctor. Consult a doctor for proper treatment. It can infect other children. This was informed by pediatrician Dr. Dilip Sardesai.

What is Dengue Shock Syndrome?

Suriya Hospital. Dr Jayant Khandare said that the symptoms of dengue in adults are mild. Adults often have no symptoms at all. Dengue is more dangerous for newborns than any other age group. In children less than one year of age, there is a high possibility of serious complications due to dengue shock syndrome. This can lead to excessive bleeding and damage to organs. He needs immediate medical attention. Infants get infected during the rainy season. Therefore, before the rainy season, children between the ages of 1 and 10 years should be vaccinated against influenza every year. This will build immunity in children and they will not get infected with the flu.