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Why is there a growing anti-immigrant sentiment in Canada? Why are Hindus and Sikhs being targeted? Data from the survey


A survey has revealed that anti-immigrant sentiment has increased in Canada

A large number of immigrants from India also come to Canada. However, a survey has revealed that anti-immigrant sentiment has increased in Canada. According to a recent survey by Leisure for the Association of Canadian Studies, 60 per cent of respondents thought there were too many immigrants, with immigration up 10 per cent since February.

According to the survey, Indian and Sikh communities are being targeted in Canada. Anti-immigration sentiments are on the rise in Canada. There is a growing sentiment that targets Indians, and Sikhs in particular, and dislikes foreigners. According to the survey, this number was 35 percent in March 2019. At that time, 49 percent felt that there was a fair amount of immigration. However, the figure has come down to 28 per cent. According to the Leisure for Association of Canadians, this level of opposition to immigration is the highest in this century.
Indians are the largest group of migrants. They are either permanent residents or those who have come on temporary visas such as study permits. But most of them are Sikhs. Because they look different. The province of Ontario alone has seen the most racist physical attacks in recent months. An incident in the city of Peterborough has been classified as a hate crime by local police.

According to Peterborough Police, in the early hours of July 25, four young men spat on a man and tried to cut off his turban. Such incidents have increased. "Interestingly, the anti-immigration sentiment in Canada has changed," said Shinder Pureval, a professor of political science at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Colombia. They say people from all over the world are coming to Canada to take away our jobs. Now immigrants, especially students, are bringing in billions of dollars. Therefore, the complaint is that the prices there have increased due to their money. "

Dr Satwinder Kaur Bains was also present on the occasion. Sikhs and other visible immigrant communities are a stable part of Canada. That's bad for immigration to Canada. The lack of response from Canadians is to dislike the xenophobia prevalent in our communities. Meanwhile, political commentators like Spencer Fernando have described the anger as misplaced.