
Indian initiatives driving global cooperation in renewable energy sector


Indian initiatives like the International Solar Alliance (ISA), Global Bio-Fuel Alliances, and the Green Hydrogen initiative lay the groundwork for global cooperation in renewable energy, ensuring energy justice worldwide. Since 2010, India has championed solar energy as a crucial renewable source, leading the establishment of an institutional framework for solar energy on a global scale.

The International Solar Alliance (ISA), launched in November 2015 following the Paris Agreement, stands as a testament to India's commitment to solar energy. Jointly initiated by India and France, the ISA aims to develop and deploy cost-effective solar-powered energy solutions, particularly benefiting Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). With a target of USD 1,000 billion investment in solar energy solutions by 2030, the ISA has attracted around 120 countries since its inception, becoming a global force in sustainable energy security and climate action.

Recognizing the vast potential of solar energy, the ISA has set ambitious targets, aiming for 75,000 GW of solar energy capacity with a projected market worth of $4 trillion by 2040, as per ISA reports. This underscores the sector's significant growth potential and its role in promoting energy equity and justice, particularly for countries in the Global South. Moreover, through technological and financial assistance, the ISA assists Global South nations in reducing their carbon footprint, contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).