
Greedy land mafias invade Elephant territory; new project aims to protect wildlife habitat.


In the peaceful embrace of nature, among the whispering leaves and swaying trees, lies a powerful story that delves into the core of our existence. It narrates the interconnectedness and delicate balance that supports life on Earth, emphasizing the significant impact of human actions on this intricate web of life. However, as we witness the destruction of our planet and the continuous loss of biodiversity, it becomes evident that we have strayed from the right path.

Our relentless pursuit of progress, driven by a desire for personal gain, has blinded us to the consequences of our actions. In our struggle for survival, we have overlooked our place as just one thread in the intricate fabric of life, woven together with all living beings on Earth. The repercussions of our narrow viewpoint are severe and unforgiving. With forests being cut down and habitats destroyed to accommodate urban growth and industrialization, numerous species are on the verge of extinction.

The once lively symphony of life in our forests has now been muted by the over whelming noise of human activity. At the core of this crisis lies a fundamental flaw in our collective awareness a self centered focus on self-preservation to the detriment of the common good. In our relentless pursuit of material wealth and comfort, we have forgotten our intrinsic connection to the natural world. We have turned into detached spectators, ignoring the consequences of our actions and unaware of the struggles faced by other inhabitants of our planet.

In Kerala, a state in southern India, a grim reality threatens the future of our planet. Within the lush and diverse forests, once bustling with life, a sinister presence looms. Land mafias, motivated by greed and a lack of respect for life, are encroaching upon the forest landscape that was once the proud habitat of thousands of elephants. These majestic animals, symbols of elegance and power, now find themselves without a home, displaced from their natural environment by human intrusion.