
US mistakenly killed civilian in 2023 Syria strike : said by Pentagon


A dogface from the US-led coalition stands guard during a common US & Kurdish-led Syrian Popular Forces command in the country of Qamishli in north eastern Syria. Reuters print the Pentagon on Thursday conceded in an internal disquisition that the United States inaptly killed a mercenary in Syria in a 2023 drone strike, saying US forces had misapplied an intended al Qaeda target.

The US Central Command, in a statement, said it couldn't intimately partake numerous details of the disquisition, citing classified information. While the strike complied with the law of fortified conflict and US programs, the inquiry" revealed several issues that could be bettered. U.S. Central Command acknowledges and regrets the mercenary detriment that rebounded from the air strike," it wrote.

" We're committed to learning from this incident and perfecting our targeting processes to alleviate implicit mercenary detriment," Central Command added. The Washington Post, which before reported the assessment, said the statement verified the review's former reporting that the U.S. original claim that it had taken a elderly al Qaeda leader was false.