10 cities of Himachal including Shimla-Dharamshala are in the grip of heat wave, severe heat will torment for four more days; yellow alert.

10 cities of Himachal including Shimla-Dharamshala are in the grip of heat wave, severe heat will torment for four more days; yellow alert
10 cities of Himachal including Shimla-Dharamshala are in the grip of heat wave, severe heat will torment for four more days; yellow alert.
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It is extremely hot these days in Himachal Pradesh. People in 10 cities of the state including Shimla and Dharamshala faced heat wave for the second day on Sunday. A yellow alert has been issued for heat wave for the next four days. This is the first time in the state that a yellow heat wave alert has been issued for six consecutive days. There was a yellow heat wave alert on Saturday and Sunday.

On the other hand, since May 15, there has been a record increase in the maximum temperature of the state every day. According to Meteorological Center Shimla, there is forecast of bright sunshine in the state till May 25. Una's highest temperature on Sunday was 44.2 degrees Celsius.

Even the cold valleys of the state had to face the scorching sun on Sunday. We are sweating even in snowy areas. On Sunday, heat wave prevailed in Shimla, Dharamshala, Palampur, Sundernagar, Bhuntar, Una, Solan, Gaggal, Mandi and Bilaspur. Yellow alert has been issued for heat wave in the entire state for four days i.e., till May 23.

On Saturday also, there was heat wave in nine cities of the state. According to the Meteorological Department, the mercury is expected to rise further in the coming days.

The Democracy News