Abduction in one-sided love affair leads to murder, teenager arrested

Teenager arrested for shooting girl's mother in one-sided love affair
Abduction in one-sided love affair leads to murder, teenager arrested
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A teenager, who abducted a teenage girl in a one-sided love affair in Jahangirpuri, shot dead her mother after shambling into her house on Friday. The indicted was arrested by the police after a tip-off from Nepal. Since also, the victim's family had been entering death pitfalls from the indicted. The police aren't taking action despite lodging a complaint. Police are now searching for the main indicted and two other kids. Police have collected substantiation from the spot.

According to the police, the indicted had ravished the girl doubly. Since her arrest from Nepal, the indicted family had been constantly hanging the girl's family. On Friday, the indicted came with two teenagers and went to the first bottom of the structure and shot the teenager's mother. According to the victim's family, the kidnapped girl was brought from Nepal with the help of the police about two months ago.

The family didn't file any complaint as the girl wasn't injured. The girl was transferred to a sanitarium. The indicted also called up the girl's mama and informed her about the incident. He also hovered him, A complaint was also filed with the police. The indicted used to hang the girl that he'd do anything for her marriage. According to the family, the girl's father, a shopkeeper in the area, wanted her to study. The minor used to follow the girl while she was going to her education. He abused and molested her. After getting this information, his father or mother used to leave his education. During this time, the teenager had also explained to them, but the teenager used to hang them. He also took the girl to Nepal.

The Democracy News