According to the Defense Secretary : India detained four Sri Lankan ISIS suspects who are not considered "religious extremists,".

According to the Defense Secretary : India detained four Sri Lankan ISIS suspects who are not considered "religious extremists,".

India detained four Sri Lankan ISIS suspects who are not considered "religious extremists," according to the Defense Secretary.
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The Sri Lankan government announced on Thursday that four of its citizens detained in India last week by authorities in Gujarat for alleged links with the Islamic State terrorist group are not considered 'religious extremists' but rather drug addicts. Secretary of Defence Kamal Gunaratne disclosed in Ampara that investigations into the individuals revealed a history of drug addiction, rather than extremism.

Additional associates have been apprehended by Sri Lankan authorities, with further details withheld due to the ongoing investigation. Two suspects were detained on May 29 in the northwestern regions, while another suspect was already in custody.

The Democracy News