Brahmins lobby hard for representation in Karnataka Legislative Council.

Brahmins lobby hard for representation in Karnataka Legislative Council
Brahmins lobby hard for representation in Karnataka Legislative Council.
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In Bengaluru, leaders of the Brahmin community are pushing for representation in the Legislative Council. The community is displeased with BJP leaders for not granting them a seat in the Upper House since 2010. Former Keonics chairman H S Sachidanandamurhty expressed his strong desire for a seat in the Upper House.

He noted that the BJP has recently been favoring Vokkaligas or Lingayats over the Brahmin community. Since the retirement of RSS leader Bhanuprakash from the Council in 2010-11, no Brahmin candidate has been nominated or elected to the House from the Assembly.

In the Congress party, three candidates - Vijay K Mulgund, Dr. Vijaykumar Kalmankar, and A S Jayasimha - are vying for one of the seven seats that the party can secure. The polls are set to take place on June 13.

The Democracy News