Clash in Jodhpur over Eidgah gate leaves several injured

Police arrest 51 individuals after clash erupts in Soorsagar area of Jodhpur
Clash in Jodhpur over Eidgah gate leaves several injured
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Several individuals, including two police officers, sustained injuries following a clash that erupted in the Soorsagar area of Jodhpur over a dispute regarding the construction of an eidgah gate. Police Commissioner Rajendra Singh confirmed the arrest of 51 individuals in connection with the incident, with prohibitory orders imposed under Section 144 of the CrPC in six police station areas.

According to Jodhpur West DCP Rajesh Kumar Yadav, the confrontation began on Friday night concerning the construction of a gate behind an eidgah near Rajaram Circle in Soorsagar. The situation escalated as some individuals started throwing stones, resulting in injuries to two police officers. Local residents opposed the gate's construction at the rear of the eidgah, citing concerns about increased foot traffic in the area.

The dispute, which originated on Friday evening during the gate's construction, escalated into violence involving stone-pelting, arson, and vandalism. During the confrontation, a shop and a tractor were set ablaze, and a jeep was vandalized, as confirmed by a senior police officer.

DCP Yadav mentioned that the police used batons to disperse the crowd and fired tear gas shells to restore order. Despite attempts to restore calm with the assistance of community leaders, subsequent stone-pelting reignited tensions. Police reported that stones were thrown from residences in areas such as Vyapariyon ka Mohalla, Ambon ka Bagh, and Subhash Chowk.

Efforts are underway to identify the houses from which the stones were thrown at the police during their dispersal operation. The police commissioner assured that the situation is now under control, with increased police presence in the area. Two FIRs have been filed based on complaints from both sides, with 51 arrests made under CrPC Section 144.

Police continue to detain individuals from both groups, conducting raids to apprehend suspects. Additionally, a separate FIR has been lodged by the police, citing various legal provisions related to violence, obstruction of governmental duties, destruction of public property, disruption of communal harmony, and rioting.

The Democracy News