Dharwad mangoes ready to fly to Saudi Arabia and America.

Dharwad mangoes ready to fly to Saudi Arabia, America
Dharwad mangoes ready to fly to Saudi Arabia and America.
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Dharwad, a district in north Karnataka known for its milk peda and Dharwad Aposa, boasts a special treasure in its mango groves : the famous Alphonso mango. While mangoes are common, the Alphonso variety grown in Dharwad stands out for its exceptional quality. Traditionally popular in Saudi countries, this year has seen a new demand emerging from America, marking a significant milestone for Dharwad’s Aposa mangoes.

In recent years, the Alphonso mangoes from Dharwad have been well-known, mainly distributed within the country and exported to Saudi Arabia. However, a new opportunity has arisen, with American cities showing interest in these delicious fruits. In a crucial moment for Dharwad’s mango industry, a group of five Americans visited the orchards of Pramod Gaonkar near Kalikeri village last month to inspect the fruits firsthand.

Impressed by the quality, they promptly ordered 5 tons of mangoes, highlighting the growing global appeal of Dharwad’s produce. The journey from Dharwad to America begins with the fruits being transported to Mumbai, where strict quality checks ensure only the finest specimens are chosen for export. From Mumbai, the mangoes travel directly to San Francisco and Chicago, where eager consumers await their arrival.

For Pramod Gaonkar, whose mango plantation covers 50 acres, this is a moment of pride as his fruits head to foreign shores, showcasing his dedication and innovation in agricultural practices.

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