Heat wave claims 50 lives in Delhi, authorities investigating cause of deaths

Delhi heat wave claims 50 lives, authorities probe deaths
Heat wave claims 50 lives in Delhi, authorities investigating cause of deaths
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The Democracy News :- 50 individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds were found deceased in the vicinity of Delhi within the past 48 hours due to the prevailing heat wave causing a surge in fatalities and heat-related illnesses. Authorities are yet to confirm if all deaths were heat-related. A senior police official reported the discovery of a 55-year-old man's body near India Gate Children's Park on Wednesday and mentioned that a post-mortem examination will be conducted to determine the cause of death.

An NGO specializing in aiding the homeless, the Centre for Holistic Development, stated that 192 deaths of homeless individuals in Delhi were linked to the heat wave between June 11 and 19. Hospitals in the capital observed a rise in heatstroke cases and casualties over the past two days. The city experienced a scorching temperature of 43.6 degrees Celsius, significantly above normal levels, with a nighttime temperature of 35.2 degrees Celsius, the highest for June since 1969.

RML Hospital received 22 patients in the recent days, with five fatalities and several patients requiring ventilator support. To address the immediate cooling needs of patients, the hospital installed a unique heatstroke unit equipped with cooling technology.

Patients are submerged in ice and water baths until their body temperature drops below 102 degrees Fahrenheit for monitoring. Safdarjung Hospital recorded 60 suspected heatstroke cases, resulting in six deaths, while LNJP Hospital reported four fatalities due to suspected heatstroke in the same period.

Symptoms of heatstroke include dehydration-induced collapses and high fevers escalating body temperatures to dangerous levels. Sir Ganga Ram Hospital documented a daily influx of 30 to 35 heatstroke cases at its outpatient facility, emphasizing the necessity of public awareness regarding heat safety measures.

Additionally, the prolonged heat wave has led to an escalation in lupus cases affecting various organs, particularly impacting women in their childbearing age. Police have been receiving reports of unnatural deaths among security guards, beggars, and marginalized individuals, prompting investigations and autopsies to determine the causes of death.

The Democracy News