Hyderabad : Heavy rains, gusty winds disrupt Metro Rail services.

Hyderabad: Heavy rains, gusty winds disrupt Metro Rail services
Hyderabad : Heavy rains, gusty winds disrupt Metro Rail services.
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On Tuesday, heavy rains and gusty winds caused disruptions in Metro Rail services, leading to hardships for rail passengers. Passengers claimed that trains were operating at irregular intervals. The Metro experienced a slow down as city residents sought to utilize it to avoid traffic congestion.

However, the situation at Metro stations was less than ideal, with passengers expressing dissatisfaction over train delays. Social media posts and videos highlighted issues such as long lines at token counters and uncomfortable conditions inside the trains.

Many passengers were observed enduring lengthy waits at Metro stations before resorting to alternative modes of transportation. One commuter mentioned, "The train was moving unusually slow. Normally, I reach my destination in 15 minutes, but on Tuesday, it took me nearly 40 minutes." Further more, several ticket vending machines at Metro stations were reported to be non-operational.

The Democracy News