In Nagpur, beggars were collected... put in luxurious Bus directly...

Road rage is always a matter of concern. Abuse and humiliation are theirs. In Nagpur, however, things were different. These helpless souls were gathered together with respect and a pilgrimage was made.
In Nagpur, beggars were collected... put in luxurious Bus directly...
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Nagpur: Street beggars are a subject of constant neglect. Abuse and humiliation are theirs. In Nagpur, however, things were different. These helpless souls were gathered together with respect and a pilgrimage was made. In various parts of Nagpur, some people beg on the streets with helpless faces, some people walk on the streets with children on their backs, and some elderly beggars are begging on the temple or on the sidewalks of the streets. Over the past few years, the number of beggars in different parts of the city has increased. The tour was organized under the National Beggar Free India Campaign for 50 beggars from different areas.

After taking all these beggars on a tour of Ramdham in Ramtek in a luxurious Bus, a different happiness was seen on their faces. Various initiatives are being taken under the National Beggar Free India initiative to change the mindset of those living on the streets by begging. In one such initiative, beggars in the age group of 50 years who were begging in different parts of Nagpur were taken for a picnic to Ramtek in a luxurious double-decker AC bus. He showed them the place and arranged for their food. After spending about two to two and a half hours at that place, when the tour returned to Nagpur, a different happiness was seen on their faces.

Beggars should also be brought into the mainstream. This initiative is carried out by the organization as it is an effort to bring happy moments in their lives as well as to enable them to live as human beings. Former MP Vikas Mahatme flagged off the bus.

Sunil Mandve, convener of the National Beggar Free Campaign, said, "This initiative is being implemented through the organization to change the mindset of beggars so that they can live as human beings in the society. This initiative has been taken to infuse enthusiasm in their lives and make them lead a better life in the society. The excitement on his face was different. We emotionally give money or some things to the beggars on the street. This is a short-term sensitivity. However, we should be able to convert this sensitivity into long-term sensitivity.

For this, instead of begging on the streets, give them shelter in shelter homes. We have made a habit of giving something on the street and we have also made it a habit on their body. Therefore, if they are accommodated in the relief homes, the beggars on the street will go to the relief homes on their own day and night. In a way, they will increase the attraction of these shelters. If they leave begging on the streets and go to night shelters, they will be truly rehabilitated.

The Democracy News