India can partner US, Europe as well as Russia: Jaishankar

He described India’s capacity to interact with a wide range of countries, similar as the US, Europe, Russia, Africa, Israel, the Gulf, and Arab countries.
India can partner US, Europe as well as Russia: Jaishankar
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S. Jaishankar, the minister of external affairs, stated on Sunday that numerous countries are looking to India for friendship in the context of war and instability in some other countries. On the alternate day of his visit to Odisha, Jaishankar spoke at a conference centered on “Viswa Bandhu Bharat,” emphasizing India’s capacity for transnational collaboration.

He described India’s capacity to interact with a wide range of countries, similar as the US, Europe, Russia, Africa, Israel, the Gulf, and Arab countries. Jaishankar emphasized the idea of “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas,” pressing how India could work with other nations on all fronts to foster its public goals not with standing disputes abroad. “We can partner with the US and Europe as well as Russia and African nations. also, India can have friendship with Israel on one side and Gulf and Arab nations on another, ” Jaishankar said, adding that there may be conflict among some countries, but India can partner with all nations on different subjects and colorful issues to take our public interests further.

Jaishankar emphasized India’s dedication to transnational collaboration, emphasizing the need to promote development while fostering collective respect and confidence. He called a country that could form alliances with other nations in order to foster its own interests a “Vishwa Bandhu”. Jaishankar presented a vision of a developed India supported by strong transnational ties for the coming 25 years, pressing Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s efforts to make transnational partnerships during his tenure.

When Jaishankar spoke about government efforts to ameliorate global connectivity, he brought up three pipeline projects one that would connect India to Europe through the United Arab Emirates; another would establish the International North- South Corridor through Iran and Russia and a third would connect Vietnam and the Indo- Pacific through the Northeast and the Odisha coastline. “Countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, Singapore, Vietnam, and others want to partner with India.

This will help increase investment, employment and connectivity, ”he said. In an interactive session in Sambalpur, Jaishnkar said, “The preceding election isn't just between leaders and voters, but a mission for the nation. This election will decide the country’s course of action for the coming 25 years to come a ‘Vikasit Bharat’.

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