India ranks 129th in Global Gender Gap Index 2024, dropping from 17th in 2021

Assessing India's decline in Global Gender Gap Index from 2021 to 2024
India ranks 129th in Global Gender Gap Index 2024, dropping from 17th in 2021
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In the 2024 release of the Global Gender Gap Index, a study assessing women's status and gender disparities, India is placed 129th out of 146 nations, as of 11 June. In 2021, India was the 17th lowest-ranked country out of 156, dropping from 18th place this year. However, since the report's inception in 2006, India has consistently been among the bottom 20 countries.

The 'Global Gender Gap Index' provides a precise assessment. The origin of the index comes from blending four separate sub-indices: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and life expectancy, and political empowerment, each measured in four sub-indices. Each indicator is summarized by multiple summaries.

This indicator always falls within the range of 0 to 1 (0.299, 0.631, etc.). '1' represents total equality, whereas '0' signifies total inequality. It should be emphasized that this index specifically evaluates the disparity between men and women, highlighting the status of women compared to men, while still promoting gender equality.

Each year, the extent to which the gender gap has decreased or increased in each country can be examined through these annual reports. The idea of 'gender equality' is undeniably vast. However, when utilizing the 'Index' tool to analyze societal statistics, it is important to adhere to certain restrictions regarding the number of items that are measured.

There are specific and quantifiable factors to search for. Although not a thorough analysis of gender equality, the report offers a helpful overview of measurable factors in each report. The total index value along with the sub-indices indicates the extent of the reduction in variance.

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