India Thanks China for Congratulating PM Modi on Election Victory Amid Border Tensions

India reaffirms commitment to improving relations with China post-election victory
India Thanks China for Congratulating PM Modi on Election Victory Amid Border Tensions
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India expressed gratitude to China for congratulating Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his election victory and affirmed its commitment to improving bilateral relations based on mutual respect, mutual interest, and mutual sensitivity.

This statement from the External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal came amidst strained relations between the two countries due to ongoing border tensions along the Line of Actual Control in eastern Ladakh. Jaiswal responded to China's congratulatory message to Modi, emphasizing India's dedication to normalizing relations with China. Despite the border disputes, maintaining peace along the LAC is crucial for overall normalization.

While several world leaders, including those of other P5 countries like Russia, the United Kingdom, and France, have congratulated Modi, there has been no message from Chinese President Xi Jinping. The standoff between Indian and Chinese forces that began in May 2020 is ongoing, with a complete resolution still pending despite some disengagement from certain conflict areas.

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