BJP's Keshav Upadhyay accuses Congress of endangering social fabric and targeting minority Muslims

Keshav Upadhyay of BJP claims Congress is undermining social cohesion and victimizing minority Muslims
BJP's Keshav Upadhyay accuses Congress of endangering social fabric and targeting minority Muslims
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Pune BJP's chief spokes person Keshav Upadhyay said that the Congress has been shaken by the dangerous politics of ruining the social fabric of the country and exposing the politics of lynching of only minority Muslims. In 2006, the also Prime Minister Dr. Abdul Hamid claimed that the first right on the coffers of the country belongs to the minority, i.e., Muslims Manmohan Singh did.

Now, if the Congress comes to power, it'll be enforced and the wealth of the poor will be snared down," he said. Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a scathing attack on the Congress during a public rally in Rajasthan. still, due to the conciliation politics of the Congress, the Dalits, backward classes and OBC communities of the country have been deprived of development and the Congress has always neglected them only to get the votes of the minority," Upadhyay contended.

On the negative, the Modi government has always emphasized that the fruits of the country's development should reach the last person at every level of the society, the full benefit of every scheme of the government should reach the real devisee and every family should get equal openings for commission.

"This is a fight between the Congress, which is eyeing the wealth of the poor and conspiring to take down the wealth and distribute it among other communities, and the BJP, which is giving every section of the society an occasion to produce wealth," he said. The Congress's politics of winning choices by inviting Muslims has been going on since the 1960s, and the BJP has been constantly fighting against it.

"In this struggle between the politics of conciliation on the one hand and the politics of development of the Modi government on the other, the people of the country have always supported the politics of development.

This is the introductory thought of the Maoists-Naxal to take down the wealth of the people and the Congress is now trying to make it a reality, he said. The Congress fiat for 2024 easily states that a civil programmer will be launched to enumerate the socio-profitable status of gentries and sub-castes in the country and grounded on the information entered from it, the direction of farther action will be strengthened.

"There's no place for majoritarianism in this country, "it said, assuring nonages of fiscal backing, educational benefits, public employment, skill development, sports and artistic openings.

The reservation for backward classes will be increased to 50 percent. He said the scheme was aimed at furnishing further benefits to the nonages and the Congress's pledge to remove the difference in wealth and income has also exposed its ulterior motive of diverting the wealth of the wealth holders to the nonages before, in 1963 and 1974, the Congress, led by Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, had passed laws to expropriate the wealth of the people in the name of the' mandatory Deposit Scheme Act', forcing government workers and property holders to partake 18 percent of their earnings with the government.

This wealth was accumulated in the government store room for 3 to 5 times, and most importantly, the nonages have the first right over the coffers of the country. Upadhyay also refocused out that Manmohan Singh was the principal profitable counsel to the government at that time. Handing over coffers to assuage the nonages. This part of Manmohan Singh was also not born suddenly.

He said the Congress was trying to include Muslims in the list of slated gentries, 15 percent reservation for Muslims in government jobs, 6 percent reservation for Muslims by dividing the OBC reservation in the name of religion and retaining the status of slated gentries indeed after conversion Upadhyay said Is it a co-existence that a many days before Manmohan Singh's statement, the Sachar Committee report came and claimed that the condition of Muslims was worse than that of Dalits?" he asked.

The Congress wants to destroy the social fabric of the country and indulge in nonage conciliation politics just to garner votes and snare power. The Bharatiya Janata Party has always fought against similar politics and now the people of the country will balk this conspiracy of the Congress." Upadhyay said at the end of the press conference.

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