India Accused of Supplying Military Equipment to Myanmar Junta

India Accused of Fueling Myanmar Junta's Military Arsenal
India Accused of Supplying Military Equipment to Myanmar Junta
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New Delhi: According to a press release from March 27, a group of activists known as Justice for Myanmar has alleged that the Indian Air Force (IAF) delivered 52 items to Myanmar's military air wing in January 2024, suspected to be components for automatic weather stations (AWS). This follows a previous deployment of 15 Indian Air Force personnel to Myanmar in December 2023 to install meteorological instruments.

The group has ranked India as the third-largest supplier of arms and equipment to Myanmar, trailing only Russia and China. They accuse India of aiding the military junta in Myanmar in its campaign of terror following the coup attempt in February 2021.

Despite these accusations, India has not officially responded to the allegations of supporting the Myanmar military's actions against civilians. However, there has been diplomatic concern expressed over the ongoing conflict between Myanmar's military and ethnic armed organizations, especially given India's shared border with Myanmar.

Recently, India announced its decision to terminate the Free Movement Regime (FMR) agreement with Myanmar. Justice for Myanmar has urged India to halt all arms transfers, military training, and associated activities with the Myanmar military.

The group has also identified 10 Indian public sector units (PSUs) allegedly supplying goods to the Myanmar junta, particularly to its air force. They highlight the increasing frequency of airstrikes by Myanmar's military, with over 750 airstrikes conducted in the last four months of 2023 alone.

Justice for Myanmar calls for immediate action from India to cease all support to the Myanmar military and to prevent further atrocities against the people of Myanmar.

The Democracy News