Indian intelligencers deported from Australia

Australia has intimately expelled four Indian intelligencers who targeted defence, technology, politicians and field security protocols, according to an disquisition by public broadcaster ABC.
Indian intelligencers deported from Australia
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The Democracy News :- Australia has intimately expelled four Indian intelligencers who targeted defence, technology, politicians and field security protocols, according to an disquisition by public broadcaster ABC. Australian authorities were outraged after discovering the conditioning of Indian intelligencers in 2020.

Since also, Australia and India have emphasized strong external politic and trade ties. The Indian intelligencers were trying to gain access to sensitive defence technology and field security protocols. It also covered politicians, the police service and Indian- Australian citizens.

In 2021, Australia's intelligence chief Mike Burgess had said that a' nest of intelligencers' had been opened without naming India. In response, Australia expelled at least four Indian intelligencers it linked as diplomats. "We've brazened foreign intelligencers and we've dealt with them in a calm, professional manner.

The Democracy News