India's responsibility to lead the Global South.

PM Modi's strong station at the 7th Summit The 50th G7 peak of the world's richest countries the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Canada, Italy and Japan- is underway in Italy.
 India's responsibility to lead the Global South.
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Bari (Italy) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday stressed on the need to break technology monopolies for inclusive and sustainable growth at the two- day G7 Summit in Italy. evolving on the need for global good governance in the field of AI, he mentioned India's position on the issue of regulation. This is PM Narendra Modi's first foreign stint after taking charge as Prime Minister for the alternate time.

The 50th G7 peak of the world's richest countries the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Canada, Italy and Japan- is underway in Italy. This time' s' Outreach' action was included in the conference to understand the issues of the wider world and to engage countries in Asia and Africa in conversations on important issues.

Modi has been invited to the event. Technology should be formative, not destructive. Only also will it reach further people. Modi said India has always given precedence to mortal- centric technology. Artificial intelligence is one similar illustration." AI for All" is the main ideal of the AI charge in India."

India is one of the founding countries of the global cooperation crusade in the field of AI," he refocused out. India has taken the action to raise the issues of the' Global South' group, which represents Asian and African countries, on the global stage. That's why, the Prime Minister mentioned, India's asseveration on joining the G- 20 as a member of the African Union.

The Democracy News