West not to let Ukraine use its Missiles to hit Russia, Putin warns.

Further than two times into the deadliest land war in Europe since World War Two, as the West considers what to do about Russian military advances, Putin is decreasingly eliciting the threat of a global war, while Western leaders play it down.
West not to let Ukraine use its Missiles to hit Russia, Putin warns.
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Moscow : On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin advised the West that NATO members in Europe were playing with fire by proposing to let Ukraine use Western munitions to strike inside Russia, which he said could spark a global conflict. Further than two times into the deadliest land war in Europe since World War Two, as the West considers what to do about Russian military advances, Putin is decreasingly eliciting the threat of a global war, while Western leaders play it down.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told the Economist that alliance members should let Ukraine strike deep into Russia with Western munitions, a view supported by some European members of the transatlantic alliance but not the United States. Russian forces have advanced into Ukraine's Kharkiv fiefdom safe in the knowledge that Ukraine can not attack bullet launchers being fired deep inside Russia because it can not use the Western dumdums that have the required range.

Meanwhile, Western- made air deffences can not essay to down Russian rockets until they cross the Ukrainian border, only 25 km or so from Ukraine's alternate megacity, Kharkiv. Constant escalation can lead to serious consequences, "Putin told journalists in Tashkent in Uzbekistan. still, how will the United States bear, bearing in mind our equality in the field of strategic munitions?"

"If these serious consequences do in Europe. "It's hard to say- do they want a global conflict?" Putin said Ukrainian strikes with long- range munitions would need Western satellite, intelligence and military help so the West would have to be directly involved in similar attacks. He said transferring French colors to Ukraine would also be a step towards global conflict and that lower countries considering deeper involvement" should be apprehensive of what they're playing with" as they had small land areas and thick populations.

"This is a factor that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into Russian home. This is a serious thing, and we're of course watching it veritably nearly". Russia's full- scale irruption of Ukraine in 2022 touched off the worst breakdown in relations with the West for 60 times. The irruption has caused the deaths of knockouts of thousands of Ukrainian civilians, driven millions to flee abroad, and reduced neighbourhood and whole metropolises to debris.

Putin casts the war as part of a struggle with the West, which he says is exploiting Ukraine as part of a wider plan to worm on what he considers Moscow's sphere of influence. The West and Ukraine cast the attack as a simple land snare Russia controls 18 percent of Ukraine, and the extremity is now raising into what diplomats say is its most dangerous phase.

Russian officers say Moscow's tolerance is wearing thin after Ukrainian attacks on Russian metropolises, oil painting refineries and rudiments of its nuclear early- warning system. Putin said Kyiv and its Western backers had provoked Russia's descent on the Kharkiv region by ignoring repeated warnings not to let Ukraine attack the conterminous Russian region of Belgorod.

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