Indian Army Soldiers Killed in Collision on Nagpur's Kanhan River Bridge

Road accident in Nagpur leaves two army personnel dead, six injured
Indian Army Soldiers Killed in Collision on Nagpur's Kanhan River Bridge
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A tragic road accident occurred in Nagpur, Maharashtra, resulting in the deaths of two Indian army personnel. The accident took place on the Kanhan river bridge, involving a collision between a fast-moving private bus and an auto-rickshaw. Six other soldiers sustained injuries, along with the auto driver. The injured soldier and auto driver have been hospitalized for necessary treatment.

The post-accident video reveals the severity of the collision, showing the auto completely crushed with shattered windows strewn across the road. According to a police official, the incident occurred at approximately 5:30 pm near Kamthi on the Kanhan river bridge.

The police report states that eight soldiers from the Guards Regiment Center were traveling in the auto-rickshaw when the speeding bus rammed into it. The soldiers were en route to Kanhan to procure military equipment from the Army Training Center in Kamthi town when the accident transpired.

The Democracy News