MCCIA Launching 'Vote Kar Punekar' Campaign to Increase Voting Rate

Suhas Divse and MCCIA Introduce 'Vote Kar Punekar' Campaign to Increase Voter Participation in Pune
MCCIA Launching 'Vote Kar Punekar' Campaign to Increase Voting Rate
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The Mahratta Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture(MCCIA) has launched a special campaign to appeal to voters to cast their votes. Mukesh Malhotra, former chairman of the Maratha Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture. He met Suhas Divase and informed him about the enterprise being taken by the Chamber in connection with the Lok Sabha .

Pune District Collector Dr. Suhas Divse said that in view of the low voting rate turn out in the megacity, he hoped that the organization would encourage workers in civic areas, especially in artificial and marketable establishments, to bounce. Through the ' Vote Kar Punekar' crusade, sweats are being made to increase the voting rate by making effective use of social media and meeting the representatives of artificial establishments in person. The quarter administration is making special effort to increase the voting percentage of workers working in the IT and manufacturing sector.

Citizens of Pune are deeply apprehensive of their communal rights and duties. Pune stands out for its culture of communal participation and will continue to do so in the forthcoming election with a advanced name turn out. You have to move forward thus, to encourage the choosers of Pune to exercise their right to vote.

A crusade is launched, Voter mindfulness crusade launched in the quarter Participation in the election process will increase. Suhas Divse, Collector-Maratha Chamber of Commerce, industries and Agriculture's name mindfulness action is estimable. This will encourage everyone in the assiduity to bounce. The heads of diligence in Pune quarter should encourage the workers working with them and their family members to vote.

The Democracy News