Online Fraud - "Called from unknown number and said your dad..." Bangalore woman reveals new method of online fraud.

A woman from Bangalore posted on social media X and told what happened to her.
Online Fraud - "Called from unknown number and said your dad..." Bangalore woman reveals new method of online fraud.
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In today's age of technology, numerous tasks can be done in a pinch. As everything is available online, all our tasks have come easy. still, through this same internet, technology, people are also cheated online. various methods are used by cyber criminals for this. A new similar method has now come forward. This has happened with a woman from Bangalore.

A woman from Bangalore posted on social media X and told what happened to her. She has also advised that citizens should be careful. She said, “A many days ago I was working in the office when I received a call from an unknown number. ‘Aditi son, I want to give money to your father. still, it isn't possible due to some specialized reasons. Will it work if I shoot you?' he asked me. Also he verified by showing my number, also I told them yes.

"She further said, “Within a many minutes after the call, I got a message that first Rs.10,000 and also Rs.30,000 were credited to my account. also the person called again and said,' I wanted to shoot 3000 to your father, but I transferred 30000 by mistake, will you reimburse the rest? I'm standing in the hospital, I want to pay the doctor.' Realizing that this was suspicious, I looked at the messages on my mobile and set up that the message wasn't from a bank number but from an unknown number also I incontinently called the person, but his phone was switched off. ”

After this whole incident happened, this woman has advised the citizens to be careful. Also, if someone tells you that money has been deposited into your account by mistake, verify it first, she added.

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