Operation Conversion exposes massive corruption in Kerala's Revenue Department.

Government departments notorious for corruption often place revenue at the top of the list due to its involvement in land transactions
Operation Conversion exposes massive corruption in Kerala's Revenue Department.
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Government departments notorious for corruption often place revenue at the top of the list due to its involvement in land transactions, especially as land prices continue to rises. Land reclassification provisions have led to a surge in illegal activities within revenue offices, prompting the government to transition land conversion applications online. However, this move has also created opportunities for fraudulent practices to persist.

Recent vigilance operations, such as Operation Conversion, have uncovered a widespread corruption network involving private agencies and former revenue department officials. The investigation revealed instances of bribery for land reclassification, particularly in districts like Palakkad, where a single agency processed a significant number of applications. The vigilance department is now conducting a through examination to determine the extent of corruption in land reclassification processes.

It is imperative to enhance transparency and oversight in revenue department operations to combat corruption effectively and protect Kerala from falling prey to land mafias.

The Democracy News