Pune city news : Power contract workers go on hunger strike demanding justice

Pune city news : Power contract workers go on hunger strike demanding justice
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Pune city news.

The Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS), an affiliate of the Maharashtra Electricity Contract Workers Union, has started a hunger strike across the state from today for the electricity contract workers in the state's power industry MSEDCL and Mahanirmiti Company.
Contractual workers of the power company have started a hunger strike from August 12 to 17 across the state to get non-contractor employment and salary hike as per the Haryana government. Last week, a memorandum was submitted to the state's public representatives, requesting them to ensure justice to the contract workers in this matter.

President Sumit Kamble and secretaries Nikhil Tekwade, Chandrakant Nagargoje, Abhijit Mule and Suraj Chavan led the hunger strike at Vidyut Bhavan in Pune. Representatives of various political parties and social organisations also took part in the meeting.

On August 20, a one-day protest will be held in front of the houses of every minister of the state
On August 24, a march will be taken out from the Reshimbagh ground in Nagpur to the house of Energy Minister Devendra Fadnavis
Nilesh Kharat, president of the association, said. (Pune News)

Power Minister Devendra Fadnavis should find a solution and give justice to the workers of his power department
This was announced by the party's state general secretary Sachin Mengale.

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