Tragic Fire in Loni Claims Five Lives, Including Children and Women.

Tragic fire claims five lives in Loni, including children and women
Tragic Fire in Loni Claims Five Lives, Including Children and Women.
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Five people including two innocent children and two women were burnt alive in a massive fire in the two- storey house of parking contractor Sarik in Behta Hajipur vill at 8:00 pm on Wednesday night. These five couldn't come out due to bank. Their bodies were taken out at 12:00 night. A youthful woman and a child have been poorly burnt. The cause of the fire is believed to be an electrical short circuit in the machines kept on the first bottom of the house.

ACP Bhaskar Verma said that the departed include Sarik's woman Farheen(25yrs), seven- month-old son Seej, family Nazra(35yrs), family- in- law Saif(36yrs) and bastard Isra(4yrs). Sarik's other family Uzma and Nazra's son Arsh Rehman have been poorly burnt. They've been admitted to the sanitarium. Ghaziabad Fire A fierce fire broke out in a two- storey house in Loni, five people including two children and women burnt alive Amar Ujala Network, Loni(Ghaziabad) Published by Akash Dubey streamlined Thu,13 Jun 2024 0201 AM IST Abstract 54470.

Followers Delhi- NCR All five couldn't get out due to bank. Their bodies were taken out at 12o'clock in the night. A youthful woman and a child have been poorly burnt. Ghaziabad Fire A house caught fire in Behta Hajipur of Loni People engaged in extinguishing the fire- print Amar Ujala Reactions 2 9 1. Details Five people including two innocent children and two women were burnt alive due to a fierce fire in the two- storey house of parking contractor Sarik in Behta Hajipur vill at 8:00 pm on Wednesday.

These five couldn't get out due to bank. Their bodies were taken out at 12o'clock in the night. A youthful woman and a child have been poorly burnt. The cause of the fire is believed to be an electrical short circuit in the machines kept on the first bottom of the house.

Trending vids ACP Bhaskar Verma said that the departed include Sariq's woman Farheen(25yrs), seven- month-old son Seej, family Nazra(35yrs), family- in- law Saif(36yrs) and bastard Isra(4yrs). Sariq's other family Uzma and Nazra's son Arsh Rehman have suffered severe burn injuries. They've been admitted to the sanitarium. Announcement Sarik said that he'd gone to get milk at 8o'clock.

When he returned after a while, the house was gulfed in dears. The people around who were engaged in extinguishing the fire said that some machines were brought and kept on the first bottom of the house for repairs. Some junk material is also kept then. The fire first started from then.

It's believed that there was a short circuit in some electrical line. People came to know about it when the fire reached the alternate bottom. Before the fire squad arrived, people themselves kept trying to extinguish the fire by pouring water from pails. People said that the bodies were poorly burnt. It sounded as if people were unfit to escape due to suffocation and the dears girdled them.

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