Violation issue with delivery platform, Traffic police to take up.

Traffic police aim to bring attention to traffic violations committed by gig workers to delivery platforms.
Violation issue with delivery platform, Traffic police to take up.
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Traffic police aim to bring attention to traffic violations committed by gig workers to delivery platforms. Common infractions include reckless driving and riding on foot paths. Tight work deadlines are cited as the reason for these violations. Previously, the authorities conducted awareness campaigns and checked for valid driving licenses among gig workers. Some were found without licenses, although some use rented vehicles that do not require a license.

However, it is essential for all gig workers using vehicles to possess valid driving licenses. Gig workers have been observed riding recklessly, including on foot paths. Authorities have engaged with delivery companies in the past regarding these violations and plan to continue addressing the issue. Civic activists note that the pressure of deadlines compels workers to break traffic laws, leading to speeding and risky behaviors in residential areas.

They often multitask while driving, such as talking on the phone, honking unnecessarily, and even entering no-entry zones during off-peak hours. The stress of timely deliveries, coupled with income dependency, drives workers to prioritize speed over safety. Calls have been made for delivery platforms to take responsibility for their partners' actions and provide regular training on safe driving practices, including testing and certification processes.

Rajkumar Dugar, Convenor of Citizens for Citizens (C4C), emphasizes the need for platforms to ensure compliance with traffic laws. Vinay Sarathi, President of the United Food Delivery Partners' Union, supports the police's efforts to address the increasing violations by gig workers. He urges authorities to engage with platforms that set stringent delivery deadlines, as failing to meet them can significantly impact workers' earnings and increase risks to their safety.

The Democracy News