'Whoever separates Taiwan from China will be self-destructed, China's defence minister.

China has always respected the laws of other countries. It is the sacred duty of the Chinese military to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, "he said.
'Whoever separates Taiwan from China will be self-destructed, China's defence minister.
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China has always respected the laws of other countries. It is the sacred duty of the Chinese military to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, "he said. Taiwan's newly elected President Lai Ching-de speech at last week's power-taking ceremony has rattled the Chinese leadership.

"China conducted two days of military, air and naval drills around Taiwan as a" "punishment" "for speaking the language of democracy and asserting independence." China's Defense Minister Dong Jun has issued a warning to Taiwan. He has threatened that anyone who tries to separate Taiwan from China will be self-destructed.

"China has always respected the laws of other countries. The sacred task of the Chinese military is to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Taiwan question is central to China's core interests. But, the One China principle has become a norm governing international relations.

DPP officials in Taiwan are trying to separate. They are trying to erase Taiwan's Chinese identity and cut off social, historical and cultural ties across the Taiwan Strait. These separatists have recently made bigoted statements that are betraying the Chinese nation and their ancestors, "he said.

"It is perfectly legal to deal with the issue of Taiwan in accordance with Chinese law. There is no foreign interference. China is committed to peaceful reunification. There is still the danger of national division. The Chinese People's Liberation Army will continue to be a strong force in upholding national reunification.

We will take concrete action to prevent Taiwan's independence and ensure that such a ploy never succeeds. "Anyone who dares to separate Taiwan from China will be self-destructed,".

"The bilateral agreement between the two countries has been broken due to external forces. The overall interests of our region have been ignored. It has violated the ASEAN charter by allowing a foreign country to deploy a medium-range missile system, ".

The US has defence deals with Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines. But China's policy is to hurt them as much as they want to hurt them, but not so much that the US has to intervene. According to many analysts, China can achieve many goals in this way. China is engaged in a direct war. Moreover, if war really breaks out tomorrow, China will be more prepared than any other country. In addition, maritime trade can also be monitored and controlled by constantly navigating within the territorial waters of Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia.

The Democracy News