A new resolve has taken shape from the resources of Kanyakumari.

In the mother of democracy, one phase of the biggest election of democracy has been completed. After a three-day spiritual journey to Kanyakumari, I boarded a flight to Delhi.
A new resolve has taken shape from the resources of Kanyakumari.
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In the mother of democracy, one phase of the biggest election of democracy has been completed. After a three-day spiritual journey to Kanyakumari, I boarded a flight to Delhi. There are many experiences, many feelings... I am experiencing the flow of immense energy within myself.

There are a lot of surprises in the 2024 election. I started my campaign for the first Lok Sabha elections of the Amrit Kaal from Meerut, the inspiration of the first war of independence of 1857. My last election rally was in Hoshiarpur, Punjab. I had the privilege of addressing my last public meeting in Punjab, the land of our Gurus, the Tapobhumi of Sant Ravidas ji. Then I got the opportunity to sit at the feet of Mother India in Kanyakumari.

In the initial days, the election campaign was in full swing. A large number of people were seen at the rallies and road shows. The affection of my mother and sisters, their blessings, their trust in me, their affection, I shared all this. My eyes were watering... I was going into silence, entering the instrument.

In a few moments, the political debate, the accusations, the voices of accusations, and the words all began to interpenetrate. My disillusionment deepened... my mind became completely detached from the outside world.
It is very difficult to handle such a huge responsibility. But the land of Kanyakumari and the inspiration of Swami Vivekananda made it easy. I came here leaving my election as an MP at the feet of the voters of Kashi.

I was wondering what Swami Vivekananda must have experienced while doing sadhana at this place! I spent some time thinking about this kind of thing. In this loneliness, peace and silence, I was constantly thinking about India's bright future and India's goal. The rising sun of Kanyakumari gave a new height to my thoughts, the vastness of the sea enveloped my thoughts and the expanse of the horizon gave an unbroken feeling of oneness embedded deep in the universe.

Decades ago, there was a feeling that the thoughts and experiences in the lap of the Himalayas were being revived. Kanyakumari has always been very close to my heart. In Kanyakumari the Vivekanand Shila Smarak was built by Eknath Ranade. I had the opportunity to travel extensively with Eknath ji. During the time of the construction of this memorial it used to be natural to stay in Kanyakumari for some time.

From Kashmir to Kanyakumari, this is our common identity etched in the hearts of every countryman. This is that Shaktipeeth, where Mother Shakti took the form of Kanyakumari. At this southern tip, Mata Shakti did penance and waited for Lord Shankara, who was seated on the Himalayas at the northernmost tip of India.

Along with the Vivekananda Rock Memorial, there is a huge statue of Saint Thiruvalluvar, Gandhi Mandapam and Kamarajar Manimandapam. These streams of thoughts of great heroes are creating a confluence of national thinking here. This is giving rise to great inspirations for nation building. This land of Kanyakumari gives an indelible message of unity to those who doubt the nationhood of India and the unity of the country.

The grand statue of Saint Thiruvalluvar in Kanyakumari seems to be watching the expansion of Mother India from the sea. His composition 'Thirukkural' is like a crown studded with gems of Tamil literature. It describes every part of life, which inspires us to give our best for ourselves and the country. It is also my great privilege to pay homage to such a great personality.

The Democracy News